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- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // JSA++.h
- // Definitions for the GoLive Extend Script SDK
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _JSAPP_H_
- #define _JSAPP_H_
- /* The JSA Javascript Interface
- This interface needs the include files for the ExtendScript interpreter. As opposed to the plain
- C interface, full access to the values and the runtime engine is provided. The ExtendScript headers
- can be found in an update to the SDK. To receive the latest version of the Extend Script SDK,
- please check the GoLive pages on www.adobe.com.
- The JSA interface permits developers to write binary code extensions for the Extend Script SDK.
- All modules must reside in the Extend Script subdirectory Common, and all functions are callable by all
- Javascript extension modules. The functions are accessible as parts of a Javscript object
- which has the same name as the DLL or SharedLib. If, for example, the DLL is called "SomeExt.DLL",
- and it contains a function "foo", the function is callable as "SomeExt.foo()".
- See the documentation for further information.
- When writing a module, it is important to implement the macro JSA_INIT once which defines some data
- structures and perfoms the necessary initialization of the module.
- */
- /// This header file needs the ExtendScript headers.
- #include "ExtendScript.h"
- extern "C" {
- #ifdef WIN32
- #define JSAEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
- #else
- #define JSAEXPORT
- #endif
- struct JSAEnv;
- /**
- The JSAMain function is called from within the JSA_INIT macro. It should be used
- to register all functions callable by the Extend Script SDK. It is called when the
- module has been loaded, which the SDK does on demand before calling the first
- function inside the module.
- */
- extern void JSAEXPORT JSAMain(void);
- /**
- The JSAExit function is called when the extension module is about to be unloaded.
- Here, the module may be deinitialized.
- */
- extern void JSAEXPORT JSAExit(void);
- /**
- All callable functions must be encoded as JSANativeMethods. They receive
- an argc/argv combination as well as a location to store the return value.
- @param argc the number of arguments
- @param argv the argument vector as pointer to sValue instances
- @param retval a location to store any return value, preset to undefined
- */
- typedef void (*JSANativeMethod)(int argc, const sValue* argv[], sValue* returnValue);
- /**
- Register a function by name within the Javascript extension. Only registered functions can
- be called from within the Javascirpt extension modules. The function must be a JSANativeMethod.
- The location to register functions is within the JSAMain() function.
- @param n the function name. The name must follow Javascript naimg conventions.
- @param f the function itself (a JSANativeMethod)
- */
- #define JSARegisterFunction(n,f) JSAEnvObj->regFct(JSAEnvObj,n,f)
- /**
- Retrieve a pointer to the currently running engine. This engine may belong to any active module.
- It is, however, the engine which called the current function.
- @return a pointer to the current engine.
- */
- #define JSAGetEngine() (sEngine*) JSAEnvObj->jsaInst
- /**
- The structure supplied to allow for drawing inside a module.
- The Draw.getDrawInfo() method of the Extend Script SDK returns a long value which is really a
- pointer to a JSADrawInfo structure. The pointer may be retrieved by JSAValueToInt() and casted
- to a JSADrawInfo structure. The contents of the structure can be used to implement drawing
- in native code.
- */
- struct JSADrawInfo
- {
- /// The device context. This is a DC handle on Windows or a GrafPtr pointer on the Mac.
- long context;
- /// The top left corner of the current drawing area.
- long left, top;
- /// The bottom right corner of the current drawing area.
- long right, bottom;
- };
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- typedef void (*JSARegisterFunctionFct)(JSAEnv *, const char *name, JSANativeMethod);
- struct JSAEnv
- {
- long jsaStructSize;
- long jsaVersion;
- void * jsaInst;
- void * externalRef;
- void * internal[9];
- JSARegisterFunctionFct regFct;
- };
- // ---------- Implementation ----------------
- extern JSAEnv *JSAEnvObj;
- extern void JSAEXPORT JSAEntry(JSAEnv *env);
- #define JSA_INIT \
- \
- JSAEnv *JSAEnvObj; \
- \
- void main() \
- { \
- } \
- \
- void JSAEXPORT JSAEntry(JSAEnv *env) \
- { \
- JSAEnvObj = env; \
- JSAMain(); \
- } \
- }
- #endif